What Uni Course Should I Do?

Choosing which university course to do isn’t just about deciding which course has the best content, although this is obviously an important factor. There are a range of other aspects to look at. This blog will take a quick run through of what some of these other factors are, so you can confidently answer ‘what uni course should I do?’. Firstly, are there any hobbies, interests or sports that you would really like to carry on with or develop further? For instance, if you are a budding sailor or scuba diver, living fairly close to the sea might be worth considering. Or if you have aspirations to be on stage or ‘behind the scenes’ in a theatre, going to university where you can develop these interests nearby would be a consideration. Several talented sporty types will want to check out the university sport leagues ( https://www.bucs.org.uk/) or how close the national squad training facilities are from the universities you are considering.

Employability and graduate outcomes (i.e. what do students go onto do after their degree!) are important issues for universities. As a result, university careers services have become more high profile. They will often be available at open days, to give you impartial advice about the courses and what you could do from certain qualifications. Careers staff will be happy to answer your questions on open days or if you can contact them directly – https://www.agcas.org.uk/Communities/Member-Directory will give you contact details.

There is a growing awareness that some students need some extra support at university. This can be due to a range of issues, e.g. dyslexia, Autism, mental health issues and other conditions. Universities are very keen to give their students the best support possible, to enable you to do as well academically as possible. Each university will have a student support team who are there to help you, very much like a school or college SEND or SENCO team. You couls also get disabled student allowance (https://www.gov.uk/disabled-students-allowance-dsa).

Have you heard about university Students Unions? They organise student events, societies and sports teams. They are run by students, for students. And if you’ve got a particular interest or hobby, you could get help from the SU to set up a society around it. For instance, did you know that LSE has a Chocolate Society? Or that the University of Essex has a Harry Potter society? The range of societies is huge, ranging from debating to sport and animal welfare.

Location is also a key factor, how close or far away from home do you want to be? Close enough to pop home at weekends for that part time job or home comforts? Or further away to increase your independence? Also, do you want to be on a campus or would you prefer the university building you use to be spread around a city centre?

So, in researching your university options, it’s definitely important to research the academic side of your degree choices. But there are a whole host of other factors here that its worth exploring too – you will be more than a ‘book worm’ at university, so check out what else you could be doing alongside your studies, hopefully by the end you will able to answer confidently ‘what uni course should I do?” with a smile.

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