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The University of Winnipeg


With its roots in Manitoba College (1871) and Wesley College (1888) United College received its Charter in 1967 and is today UWinnipeg. This small university is one of Canada’s top universities and offers a good range of undergraduate courses, including a Flexible Major Program. This allows students to customize their studies. The campus is in downtown Winnipeg. Winnipeg in the heart of the prairies is the provincial capital of Manitoba. It was a First Nations hub for over 10,000 years and the Forks in the city centre is a historic site at the intersection of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers. Today it is beautiful parkland with shops, cafés and restaurants. ‘Win nipee’ in Cree means ‘muddy waters’. The Exchange district boasts handsome early 20th century buildings and St Boniface is Canada’s oldest French community outside Québec. Winnipeg has a number of museums including The Canadian Museum for Human Rights. The city has a small International Airport with internal flights and also to the USA. It is on the transcontinental railway.


9470 Students

97% Undergraduates

5% International


Accommodation: University, off campus

Accommodation: Private rented

Accommodation: Single sex

Accommodation: University, on campus

Campus: City Centre Campus

Campus: Single Campus

Car Parking: Restricted Car Parking (living off campus only)

Car Parking: Car Parking Available


University, off campus

University, on campus

Transport Links

Nearest Airport: J A Richardson ( 3.6 miles )

Nearest Train Station: Union Station ( 0.9 miles )


The University of Winnipeg

515 Portage Avenue


R3B 2E9



Channel Islands:
Northern Ireland:

Graduate opportunities

External links

University website
Open day
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The University of Winnipeg

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